Considerations for the 2020 Rodeo and COVID-19

Good afternoon,

I hope you all are well and safe and working through this terrible situation as best as you can. We, the Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo committee are still hopeful that our event will take place as normally scheduled, on July 25th 2020. We are still planning and coordinating the event in hopes that, by this summer, travel restrictions will be lifted and it will be safe to travel & get together once again.

Registration is ”online only” starting this year but, I encourage people to hold off until late June/ early July before submitting your registration when we know if things are a go or not. At this time there is no tentative back up date or location. I feel if the rodeo gets postponed in July, then it will be postponed until next year. When more information is available I will share it.

Be safe, once again I wish you all well in this trying time and hope to see you soon.

Rodeo Chairman,

Joel M Wallace

2020 PNW Lineman Rodeo Requirement for Teams and Judges

From: ​Zeek McCarthy
​Master Event Judge
​Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo

Thank you to all the participants who participated in this year’s event!

Over the past 26 years, this event has grown more than expected.  Each year as the number of teams and apprentices increase the need for judges coincide.  This year, for the teams that registered a judge, thank you, without their participation this event could not be possible.

In past years, shortage of judges meant they could not take breaks, have the opportunity to enjoy the rest of the activities, eat their lunches on the run and have the longest day of all the volunteers. Consider your fourth member a necessity.

This year, we also thankfully did not have to resort to our contingency plan to cancel an event due to an insufficient number of judges.  

Starting in 2020:

  • Teams, Apprentices, Pre-apprentices, and Judges registrations will all be on-line only.
  • Teams WILL NOT be able to register without a team judge.
  • Teams arriving without a team judge present on Saturday morning WILL receive an automatic deduction (actual amount TBD). No Exceptions…

The dead-line for registrations and maximum number of competitors for teams and apprentices will be communicated at a later date.

Again, thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you and your families again next year!

Be safe

Wesleigh Ogle of KATU Channel 2 Visits the Rodeo!


Earlier Today, Wesleigh Ogle of KATU Channel 2 (Portland Oregon) Visited Our Rodeo! Enjoy the following videos from her visits as she experiences the excitement first hand!

See You At The Rodeo!

Breaking News From Our Sponsors

Breaking News

  • Jelco will be awarding $500 worth of gear to the Top Journeyman Team
  • Carhart will be awarding sweatshirts to the second-place team
  • Tyndale will be awarding sweatshirts to the third-place team
  • Tyndale will also be awarding T-shirts to the top three apprentice
  • Tyndale also has Graciously donated a Green Mountain Grill along with a visa gift card to give away